Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Statement for July 11

Your divine mate is seeking you and you can only meet divinely.
-Jewel Diamond-Taylor

Your divine mate already exists. You are being prepared to meet one another. Through your many growth experiences, and the purpose that is etched in your soul, the day will come when you will meet face-to-face. It will be crystal clear that this person is the right one. She will not need fixing. He will not require work. You will be touched in a place in your heart and soul that, until that divine day, has been untouched. As you allow yourself to accept the reality that your divine mate exists, it will unfold as a reality to you. You can stop looking, forcing and trying to make it happen. You need not fret or worry or allow yourself to be lonely, because your divine mate already exists. You can stop looking out for him or her. Instead, spend your time looking within. When you get to the place in yourself that is peaceful divine love, your true mate will be revealed.

My divine mate will be revealed to me in the divine way at the divine time.

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